The Quality Of Our Beliefs
A look into the culture of our company....... |
The following webpage is a copy of an
article that the founder of our company
authored in 2011 for some new partners of
our organization. It offers an interesting
glimpse into the culture of our company. And
what has made us so successful.....
Your beliefs
are the foundation that govern your
success level. Whether you realize it or
not, the level of success you have right
now is directly tied to the beliefs you
have about what you do. Change your
beliefs, and your success level changes
as well.
To be successful in our
organization, you must be open to some
new concepts. A new better way of
operating . A way of operating
that is competitive with the major
companies in our industry. Coit, Stanley
Steamer, Servicemaster.
These are some very different
beliefs then what you may currently have.....
But, you must understand that these beliefs create
a distinct advantages for us in the
marketplace. My respected
partners, please open your mind to what
I have authored on this page for you.......
At this
level of operating, success almost has nothing to do with what
you know about carpet cleaning... Its about what
you know about human nature and human
This page is going to outline 9
beliefs that will change your life in this
industry. And help bring you to our level of
performance. Think of these beliefs as a
foundation we will build your success on.
Everything we will ever ask of you will be
consistent with these beliefs. At this level
with us, you must operate in a way that is
equalivent to the majors like Coit, ZeroRes and
Stanley Steamer.
Our new partners must adopt a
mindset that is aligned with these beliefs. Or
risk being told that you are a liability to are
organization. Open your mind to a new way
of thinking about what you do. What we are going
to teach you on this webpage are concepts being
taught in business universities right now.......
of any major
successful company in this
Depot......Starbucks......Apple.......Best Buy.....
Think of the experience you have had when
you have done business with them and I
promise you, you will see these same beliefs
in effect in ALL of the most successful
companies. You are playing in the major
leagues now. You have to be open to adopting
these same beliefs or your partnership will not succeed. Our Sales
Department operates on these beliefs as do our
best partners.
Here is an interesting fact:
The partners
who seem to have the fastest success with us
have all worked for the major companies like
Coit, Stanley Steamer and Zerores. So, they have
already been exposed to these beliefs firsthand.
If you have not worked for a major chain, you
may have doubts as to why these beliefs are so
critical. Please understand these beliefs do not
just win customers. They create wealth!!!
That is why the majors do millions in sales each
Please open your mind to these concepts:
Belief No 1 |
We want our customers to become married to us.
And become lifetime customers.
The customer must be treated as a someone who we
want to fall in love with us and become
a lifetime customer.
Successful companies
view every customer experience as an opportunity
to further "marry" there customer to them. What does
this mean? It means you are always hyper
conscious of what the customer is experiencing.
And you work to create "love" feelings
associated with with there experience with us.
Successfull companies do this with the overall
goal of getting 100% of every dime the customer
will ever spend in their lifetime on that
service or product.
What do I mean by "love feelings"??
Customers "love" when you show you care.
Customers "love" when you do something
remarkable for them. Customers "love" when they
feel safe with you. Customers "love" when they
can brag about their.....(fill in the blank)
Favorite ice cream shop, favorite restaurant,
favorite shoe store, favorite carpet cleaner...
In the world of business,
"Love feelings equal big profits!!!!!" And
love feelings
help marry the customer to us.
A married customer is unlikely to "cheat" on
us.......And they will be faithfull over their
entire lifetime. Think of all the
companies and brands you have been faithfull
your entire life to?
Think of how fiercly loyal you are to them??
This is not an accident. They carefully planned
this marriage to you!
Respected Partners:
When you interact with a customer you must treat
them as you are courting them for a lifetime
Do not make the mistake of acting like a
"trader". What is a trader?............let
me explain.....
When I talk to a lot of carpet cleaners who have
not worked for the majors , they almost seem to
have an attitude of a trader: A person who is
simply trading a service for money. I clean your
carpet pay me. Its an even trade.
If the customer is happy great. But if there is
an issue the Tech acts like a trader
defending the trade that was just done....he
takes a me against you attitude with the client.
What they don't understand is that the customer
has a huge selection of people they can trade
This is not a "trade" relationship with our
customers. It is a courting relationship. We are
courting them to never want to use anybody else.
Stop thinking of your customer as this
disposable person who you simply trade with.
Start thinking of your customers as lifetime
fans of yours.....people who we want to be
fanatical about what they experience with you.
For their entire life.
We can not have even
one negative element in our service.
One negative customer feeling cancels and
deletes all or most love feelings.
Successful companies
realize that all the love
feelings and positive experiences that are
created can be all cancelled out with just one
small negative experience.
Here is a great way of thinking about this.
Positive customer experience like.....(you got a
tough stain out for the client ) might = 10 "love
Negative customer experience like..............
(you were dressed sloppy) = minus 300 "love
Now you might have done 10 things the customer
loved and have 100 "love points" But as you can
see the one negative element created a 200 point
The catch is.....The customer will not tell you
this. They will not tell you that you are
negative 200!!! They will just smile and think "
I'm probably not using this guy again" All with
a smile on their face....
Imagine going to a restaurant and having
this great dining experience....the
appetizer was great. The main course was
fantastic.................. the service was
great....... everything perfect on all levels
..............and then the desert comes and
there is a hair in it.
What will you remember
most....................all the
greatness.............. or the hair????
I get frustrated when new partners fail to
realize that just one small negative element
cancels 50 great service elements!
thinking you have all of this leeway with the
customer..YOU DONT!
We must be exceptional at what we do.
Being only "good' pretty much assures failure.
In fact you might as well be mediocre at what
you do. You have the same chance of succeeding.
Successful companies realize that being
"good' guarantees you absolutely nothing
as far as success is concerned. In fact you
probably will fail. There's too many good
companies the public can choose from. Why should
they come back to you???
"Good" companies fail all the time.
Look at Apple.....they are in one of the most
competitive industries in the world. And yet
they continue to innovate and remain distinct!!
And thrive.
You know why Coit and Stanley steamer are so
successful. They simply have a better formula
for excellence. Its not luck , its not a fluke.
Its a system. A formula. A recipe for success they follow every day.
Respected Partners:
Really think about this saying.................Success
is simply the fulfillment of requirements.
Coit, Stanley Steamer and Zerores have defined
the requirements for what the public
wants.............And they have become
very effective at fullfilling them.
Showmanship Is critical.
The public thinks companies who utilize show
business And showmanship are better then others.
Our business must have a strong focus on
Want a 30k
business college education?..........Go spend a year
at a Starbucks coffee shop.
Lets think about it..........At its core
Starbucks is just a 1500sqft coffee stand.
And yet the public walks in and they feel like
there in another universe...A "Starbucks
universe". When a customer walks
into the store, Starbucks controls everything
the customers views, the music the customer
hears, the smells. All of a customers senses are
engaged. Starbucks has element after element of
showmanship and show business. Starbucks
is so strong at showmanship and show business
that the public will pay $5 for a cup of coffee
from them. And become married to them for
Starbuck customers are fanatical because the
Starbuck experience is so unique. I mean, can
the coffee really be that much better then
McDonalds coffee???
Respected Partners:
Coit Stanley steamer and zero res are creating
there own universes when they walk into a
customers home. If you do not buy into this idea
that you must become a showman. You can not
succeed in our organization.
In 2012 we will mandate many elements that are
purely related to showmanship.
We never give
customers a reason to divorce us.
When the customer is not happy priority is them
coming back............not the immediate profit.
So really think about this...........I
can go to Wal-Mart. Buy a shirt. Wear it 3
times and wash it twice. Put a stain on
it. Then take it back with my receipt and
get a full refund.
Do you think Wal-Mart does that because there
just really nice guys???
No my partners....., Walmart does that because
an analyst who makes about 90k a year told them
that it was far more profitable to take the
shirt back then to not take it back.
And keep the customer coming back for life.......
After all , a married customer is going to spend
a lot of money in their lifetime...........
So the next time you want to complain about a
Redo you have to drive back to. Save your
breath. Were going to play the game the exact
same way as Wal-Mart..............(And coit and
Stanley steamer). We are going to ensure the
customer keeps using us for life.......
Our customers must
feel like they got more then what they paid for.
The public will pay more for an exceptional
experience (1 time). They wont come back if the
experience doesn't exceed the price.
How does Mercedes get people to spend 60k on a
car? Simple, by making the car look,drive
and feel like a 80K car.
You just make the experience exceed the
Our sales department is the ultimate proof of
this. Every day we generate sales where we
charge more then coit and Stanley steamer.
Every day we sell customers at a higher price
point then what they intended to pay. How do we
do it?
By creating curiosity and intrigue. And offering
the customer more then what they were shopping
This is great for getting us in the door. But it
will not ensure our success. The service we
deliver must exceed what we are selling. If it
does not, we end up with a lot of customers who
try us once and never come back.
Everything about us
must be clean.
"Clean And Neat" is absolutely necessary.
Image is everything!
Want to invest
in your personal development?
Have Coit or ZeroRes come and clean your
personal homes carpet. And pay attention to the
appearance they are projecting to you. Notice
how clean everything that comes into the house
This is not an accident. these major chains know
that the public is paying for "cleaning". And
any customer (you included) would be turned off
by cleaning service being performed by a tool or
Technician that is dirty.........
But it goes much deeper then that...............
Walk into any grocery store and pay attention to
how clean everything is............the
floor........the windows......The uniforms
people wear.
Psychologically, as human beings we always
associate clean with good qualities..........
Clean equals=goodness
Clean equals=Trustworthy
Clean equals=professional
Clean equals=safe
Clean equals=better
You will not find a fortune 500 company in this
country who does not pay huge focus to the
public always seeing them in a manner that is
Stop thinking that it is ok to have a uniform
that is wrinkled, stained or sloppy. The public
always views this negatively. And more
importantly it is a "negative service element" .
It negates all the amazing great things we are
doing as a company.
You as a technician must be special.
The customer must sense a difference between you
and the previous Techs they have had in their
Our customers are being told we have some of the
best Technicians in the country in are
organization. That will sell a lot of jobs for
us. But, we must back it up in the house. The
customer must feel you are more capable and more
professional then what they have experienced
We must have
the best equipment and tools we can afford.
Our tools and equipment have to be as good as
Coits and Stanley Steamer.
When the public chooses
Coit, Stanley Steamer,
And Servicemaster. They know they are getting a
top tier service. With top tier equipment, tools
and products.
You may not have the best equipment and tools
when you first start with us.
But with the success that comes from your
partnership it is critical that you invest in
equipment and tools that are equivalent to what
the majors are using.
On the sales end , you can trust that we will
always be cutting edge. At this point I
feel we have many elements that are beyond what
the majors are doing with their sales
When your partnership starts with us. We
will do our best to demonstrate our excellence.
We have some of the most state of the art
software, technology and web design working for
As your income improves with us, it is
essential that you invest in the current tools
and equipment being used by the majors. We are
aggressively taking customers from the majors.
Our customers deserve the same equipment and
tools and products the majors have.......
We are not in business to simply be
or even successful. We are in business to
make a statement. We are in business to be
the ultimate example in our industry of this
"That the
simple act of truly trying to help and
care for people, in an honest sincere
way, in a just way, is the most
absolute road to the highest form of success
To be in
business with us you must buy into this
culture. Or your partnership is doomed
to fail.
Culture has a funny way of
spitting out those who do not belong.
I talk to technicians all the time who
inquire about partnering with us. And
sometimes when I interview them ("And
put em under the microscope") I am
blown away by the lack of knowledge
they have for how to be successful.
And the pure disconnect they have for
what appeals to the public.
Put simply: "They view there work
through the eyes of a technician"
Not through " the eyes of a
They think its ok to not be uniformed.
(or just wear a company t-shirt)
"As long as you clean good."
They think its ok to focus on just being
a "a great cleaner" and to heck
with image and appearance.
They think they can succeed paying no
attention to the "show business"
of carpet cleaning.
"Cause I'm a ma and pa cleaner"
and I offer a "personal service".
Well guess what, while there
limping along being ma and pa . Offering
their personal service. The
majors are gobbling up market share,
making millions and creating experiences
that "lock" the customers into them. The
only Ma and Pa companies who ever
succeed are the ones who operate like
the majors!
The majors became the
majors...........By locking in one
customer at a time!!!
And more
importantly..............."Thinking like
a customer".
Guess what these 4 companies have
in common: Coit, Stanley Steamer,
Servpro, Zero Res. First they are
some of the most successful companies in
our industry. Second they all pay an
enormous amount of attention to the
"experience the customer receives"
In other words they are very good at
"thinking like a customer" and this has
equaled millions of dollars in profits
for them. They are all about the show
business. Or "experience business" of
carpet cleaning.
Do you know that servpro has furniture tabs
that say "Servpro" on them.
Do you know that all stanly steamers
techs wear the exact same shoes.
Do you know that Zero Res has a vacuum
hose cleaning procedure after every job!
Do you know that Zero Res teaches their
techs to actually clean pieces of
upholstery for free just to create a
"wow factor".
Now they don't do this cause there nice
guys and they just happen to be generous. Get it straight, they do it
because it equals
profits. They do it
because the public loves the experience
they give them. And they become totally
loyal. And that loyalty is worth
millions in profits.
But they have a weakness.
You see, they can only care to the
level of "an employee". They can only
care to the level of "someone working
for a company".
We can top that. We can care as "owners
of our organization". Boss Optima
is a ownership Co-op. An industry
All Star team of National Service
Partners owning there market, combined
with a headquarters who has the
most cutting edge "Customer care"
marketing strategies available. And
highly conscientious Sales People.
So here is where we fit into the mix. We
find experienced, seasoned business
operators who already know how to clean
well (You). We help you understand
what the majors already know.
The "experience business" of carpet
cleaning. We help you
emphasize the importance of controlling
the customers experience. We emphasize
"caring for the customer" not just in
the cleaning results but in the entire
service experience. We teach you to care
for the customer on an entirely new
Controlle of the "customer experience"
combined with a new, better, different
level of "care". The kind of care
that only an owner can give. The kind of
care that only someone with a stake in
the business can give. A genuine care.
Higher Level Of
Care...... In 5 words ,that is our
You cant fake it, you can't manufacture
it and you can not improvise it. Either
you deeply care or you don't. When
a customer feels deeply cared for,
sincerely, geniounly,
honestly........... they feel it, they
absorb it and they remember it.
And its powerful.
Ask any Boss Salesperson and they will
tell you they are drilled constantly
about demonstrating care for the
customer. They are taught to never make
the customer feel like they are being sold.
There taught to be neutral, passive.
They are taught to simply be great
messengers. They are taught to "think
like a customer". And be conscientious
of the experience the customer is
This kind of gentle passiveness goes
against all common sales techniques that
are taught in the world and yet we sell
at an incredible level. Why?
Cause the public loves the experience we
give them.
Most of you are familiar with 2 of our
sales people ...........Cathy Arredondo
and Angela Wilson. These two really
demonstrate care for their customers.
Do you know that using their "Care for
the customer experience beliefs" these
two routinely sell 80k to 100k a month
in services......
Do you know that the majority of
customers who participate in our gifting
program do this before you get to the
home. They are actually referring us to
friends and relatives before they
experience the service. Even though they
could just as easily wait till after the
service and still get their discount.
That is how impressed they are with the
sales experience they received. They
assume the service must be as good as
their sales experience.
That's the power of deeply caring for
your customers.
When we combine this with the better
care you give in the home, amazing
things happen. Customers become
fanatical. And they become fiercely
loyal. And this brings
enormous success for us.
This page was written to give you the
blueprint for our success. The national
headquarters is working tirelessly to
help coach you in this culture.
You must open your mind and heart
to this culture and trust that it is an
absolute road to success.
We only want to work with like minded
individuals. As the president of this
organization, I have a responsability to
ensure a Partner does not jepordize our
national reputation. We live in the
internet age. A negative effect created
in your market can affect all markets.
We must support eachother in this
Together we are one of the greatest
assemblies the industry has ever seen.
But we are only as good as our culture.
I know it is not politically correct to
inject spirituality into business, but,
my personal faith weighs heavily into my
personal "why" I am involved in this
organization. I started Boss over 20
years ago. I have tasted enormous
success in the industry many times over.
I truly have been to the top of the
mountain. It never did fulfill me as
much as helping people has.
My respected partners, please trust
this...............Sincerely helping
people will always be profitable.
I am fond of a saying .............All
of the principles and elements that
equal fanatical customers must also be
applied to our staff and our National
Partners. In this sense , Boss Optima
has 3 customers......For all, we
simply must deeply care.
Mike Ochoa
View Our
Straight Forward Partnership Agreement.
company has a very straight forward
partnership agreement for new partners.
If selected to join our organization, this
would be the agreement you would be asked to
Thank you for reading this page!