One Of The Biggest Secrets
In Carpet Cleaning
Understanding How
Costs Actually Disappear, The More Jobs You Run |
our experience since becoming a national
company, we have been exposed to many beliefs
and "theories " of how profits are
actually calculated in
the carpet cleaning industry. In our process of
selecting partners, we have conducted dozens of
interviews with owners who sought to join are
In the conducting of these interviews, there
have been many times where we have been riddled
by the mindsets and beliefs that some candidates
had about how profits are actually generated. And
there have been many times where it became very
obvious that their beliefs about how profits are
generated, were actually one of the primary
reasons they were struggling in their business .
They simply did not have a firm grip on
how the "math" of success truly works in
this industry. So these theories and maybe more
accurately "beliefs", were actually keeping them
from growing and developing.
In this article we would
like to pass on some solid wisdom that may
radically change your views on how the game
actually works.....
Lets start with a very simple understanding....
There are only 2 types of costs that you
actually have
in your business they are called
Fixed Costs |
Variable Costs. |
Fixed Costs
are costs that
never change
regardless of how much business
you do. |
you have 1 job this month or 20
jobs, these bills are going to
be there at the end of the
month. |
would typically include: |
Your van payment |
Your cell phone bill |
Your vehicle and liability
insurance |
Any payments for equipment
loans you have |
All personal bills |
Calculating your fixed costs are simple
By The
Job |
the monthly total up and divide
by how many jobs you expect to
run for the month. This tells
you how much your fixed costs
are on each job you run. |
By The
Day |
the monthly total up and divide
by how many days you expect to
operate for the month. This
tells you what your fixed costs
total is for each day you
operate. |
And Then You Have... |
are costs that
do change based on
how much work you do. |
would typically include : |
Your fuel costs |
Your chemical costs |
Your supplies costs (spray
bottles,tabs ect...) |
Your repair costs |
Your Maintenance Costs |
Calculating your variable costs
Variable costs do not
tend to fluctuate much in our
industry from month to month.
If you determine what each
percentage is for each variable
cost for one month . You will
find it will stay very close for
future months. So the key
is to identify the percentage
for one month to use as a
Variable costs are always a set
"percentage " of the overall invoice job
total. You want to be able to say "My
fuel cost is ___% of my invoices as an
ongoing average"....So remember
variable expenses are always figured by
(Fixed costs are a set "dollar amount"
per job or per day.
one full month to determine your
variable cost percentages. |
for example: For your fuel
percentage ...take the total
fuel cost for the month divided
by the total of all of your boss
jobs that ran. (With ihs)
the total of the invoice , not
just your 40%. This keeps the
math simple for you.
Example- ($600 Fuel cost )
divided by ($5000
overall invoice job revenue)=
So now going forward ,you can
trust that your fuel will be
very close to12% of whatever the
grand total of the invoices are
for each day, as an ongoing
Now simply determine the
percentage for each variable
cost the same way.
(using an entire month as a
So you could
say an actual profit calculator would
look something like this....
fixed cost for each job I run is
$_____(In dollars)
my variable costs added together is
_____%(in percentage) of each job I run.
And by subtracting these 2 totals from
each job, you have true profit
calculation. |
Now here is the first big secret...
(And there
are 2 parts to it)
Part One- |
costs have an expiration date.
They actually "disappear" after
so many jobs are run. You can
add your fixed costs up and
using an easy formula actually
determine on what job for the
month or even "day of the month"
your fixed costs were "covered'
and therefore "disappeared" for
the rest of the month. we call
this the "Hot Zone". The
hot zone is where you are
operating only with variable
costs and profits are maxed out. |
Part Two- |
highest profits for the month are
generated, based on how many
days do you operate "without
fixed costs" in the Hot
I always chuckle at the guy who
boasts: "I only do about 9
jobs a week but their all priced
really well and I make 100% on
the job"
Why is this misguided?
Because all of his jobs for the
month probably included
variable costs
fixed costs. So his actual
profits were greatly minimized
by his lack of volume. He never
got into the "Hot zone"
Remember true actual profit is
after all of your bills are paid
(even personal)....what is left
after that is true actual
"get ahead in life"
The Key
is not to think so much in terms
of "profit per job" but.....
"Get ahead in life profit"
Getting past the ....." all my
expenses for the month are
covered"..And this is
what's left
over, profit.
Someone once said...You can't
take a vacation with the profit
from one job if your mortgage
cant be paid at the end of the
Pure profit is after all bills
are paid ..This is the profit
that creates wealth..
Now what you
must understand about this type of
pure profit
is that the "hot zone" is very key...
And the Hot zone can actually be entered on a daily basis
and on a monthly basis........Here is a
great example of the "hot zone" In Action
on a "daily basis"....
Ask yourself which partner you would
rather be:
In this
hypothetical situation both partners are
on job "8" for the month and have a
fixed cost of $41 for job 8.
Partner 1 |
Has only one
job scheduled that is priced very
well at $320 should take him 3
He is very
happy because the job is only 4 rooms
and in his mind "priced very well" and
"worth his time" |
His 40 % take is: |
$128 |
Minus his day fixed costs of
$41 |
Now he has $87 |
Minus his variable costs
of 14% of overall job
total which is $44 |
Now he has $43 of "Pure
profit" for that 1 job.
And technically for that
"day" of work |
. |
Remember...."Pure Profit" is after
all bills are paid...Even personal bills
because they are in the "fixed costs"
Now lets take a look at partner 2............
call this
Hot zone with worse case
scenario... |
Partner 2 |
Has 3 jobs
that are all "underbid' one for $189 and
one for $229 and one for $139....All are
very underbid and combined should take
him 9 hrs. he is very unhappy because
they are far away and underbid. |
His 40 % take is: |
$222 |
Minus his day fixed cost of
$41 |
Now he has $181 |
Minus his variable costs
of 14%
of the overall job total
which is $77 |
Now he has $104 of "Pure
profit" for the day. And
technically for that
"day' of work. |
Now let's take
a little bit of a closer look...... at
partner number two's day.........And see
how the Hot zone was entered on this
day.... |
On his 1st job |
Which was
priced at $189.
His 40% take was $75 .......
You could
say that on this very first job he
completely covered his $39
"Fixed cost" for
the whole day .... and he covered $36 of the
$77 variable cost for the whole
In other words no
profit yet!!! he is still $41 in
the hole for his costs for the whole
On his 2nd job |
Which was
priced at $229 and very "underbid"
....his 40% take was- $88
But now, he only has $37 of variable
cost left (for the whole day) .........
so his net profit is
$51...............Not bad for an
"underbid job"
On His 3rd Job |
Which was a
measly $139 and again "underbid".....his
40% take was $55
......he is
completely in the
hot zone.... all of his cost for
the day are covered............What does
this mean? means the
$139 job had the most pure profit of the
day!!!!!...........In fact the whole job
was profit!!....he was in the
Hot zone!
Now Remember
Partner number two's entire net profit
for the day was $106....
The 3rd job....the smallest job .....and
also "underbid" .......
represented 51% of his profit for
the day!!! That is the power of
the "Hot zone" . Job 2 was somewhat in
the hot zone and job 3 was entirely in
the "Hot zone'. As you can see,
profits are magnified when you enter
this state of "disappearing
hot zone"
again this was "worst case
scenario" imagine if the 3 jobs
were priced well, and what if we
factored in a little
IHS....Imagine that Hot zone. |
Volume is the single biggest factor that
determines your financial well being in this