Making Redo's
Master 5 elements
to stop redo's forever. And Turbo boost your
Boss Partnership. |

Here Is All You Need To Know To Eliminate Redo's
From Your Business.
By Mike Ochoa |
This one of my
favorite subjects. How do you stop
Redo's from occurring?
I have coached many technicians over the
years on this topic. On this page, I
want to define it to a whole new level
for our National Partners.
And I want to stress to you that a lot
of what you will learn here is :
"How a
customer thinks".
I really believe one of the biggest mistakes carpet
cleaners make is that they "think like a
Or they "Think like a business owner".
The reason the national chains like Stanley Steamer
and Zero Rez are so successful is because their
business model is based on how
"a customer
That is why on all of our technician uniforms
their is the code TLAC on the sleeve of our shirts.
This stands for
If you understand how a customer thinks
and you perform your work through the
eyes of a customer . I believe you can
make life changing moves to radically reduce your redo percentage .
And also dramatically increase your business.
What I am going to share with you on
this training page is what the best
techs in this industry already know and
First I want to emphasize 4 very major
points for you.....
1.) |
Customers mostly only complain
when they feel they did not
completely get what they paid
This is not always a reality.
Sometimes its just a perception.
But its a perception WE
2.) |
A redo is an uncomfortable
inconvenience to
the customer, just as it is for
you. (I know its easy to
buy into the : "this customer is
just trying to take advantage of
us" mindset........But ask
yourself ....How happy would you
be, if you had to drive all the
way back to the carwash after
driving all the way home and
realizing you were not happy
with the results.
...the truth is, customers hate
dealing with redos!!
3.) |
Believe it or not, most
customers are reluctant to
complain. (In our industry)
Ill explain more later.
4.) |
It is possible to reduce
your redo percentage to 3%
....3 redo's for every 100 jobs
All carpet cleaners hate Redo's , its a
fact that will never change. In my 25
year plus,
career at Boss I have worked with and
trained hundreds of Service
Techs. A lot of my beliefs and
ideals were developed by "profiling"
what the best techs at Boss did on a day
to day basis. What I'm going to teach
you is over 20 years in the making....
In our companies history, I have
witnessed 5 Boss techs go over a year
without a Redo. They all had the same
things in common. They did everything I
am going to outline on this page...and
they did it instinctively.
You can master and teach yourself to do
what they did naturally. It just
takes a commitment on your part to
believe and try what I will teach you
First of all I want stress that there
are 5 elements that create (or prevent) redo's. Each
are very critical.
If you fail at one of these elements,
redo's will continue...
1.) |
Your workmanship. |
2.) |
70/30 rule. |
3.) |
The care and concern you
demonstrate to the customer. I
call this "conscientiousness." |
4.) |
The involvement and
"Assessment permission" you
create for the customer during
the job |
5.) |
Resolution. |
Let's define
each element: |
Your workmanship.
"The invisible assistant" |
I call
your workmanship "The invisible
When you wow a
customer with your cleaning
results , you
create an aura about you. I am not
talking about doing a "good job"
. I'm talking about really
wowing the customer, making them
get that I can't believe it look
on there face.
When you do this
the customer almost
automatically puts you on a
pedestal in their minds.
Your workmanship becomes this
invisible assistant that is
whispering in the customers ear
about how "elite" you are. "How
special and different" you are.
When you achieve this , the
customer now trusts you to an
entirely different level.
Your workmanship has 3 elements:
At what point are you
happy with the results?
Remember: if the carpet
is lighter then the
regular color of the
carpet that's wear. We
can't put color back
into the carpet to
correct that. But, if
the color of the traffic
area is darker then the
regular color of the
carpet that's buildup.
and we should always be
able to get that out.
You must develop a keen
eye for what looks good
and what doesn't.
Remember with carpet
upholstery and area
rugs...if it looks dark
when wet , it will look
even darker when dry.
Everything should look
great when it is wet.
Never think "it will
look better when it
The only thing that ever
looks better when it
drys is grout. |
The quality of your
your product knowledge.
Do you know how to boost
your cleaner when need
be? Are you stocking the
right spot removers? |
The quality and
effectiveness of your
your temperature right?
Is your vacuum strong?
Are your wand jets
spraying correctly?
Maintenance and
equipment checks are
essential to ensure our
quality. |

The 70/30 Rule. |
70/30 rule is very key....
It states that you should spend
70% of your time on the 30% of
the carpet /tile/upholstery that
is very dirty.
Let's use carpet as the example:
On most jobs its about 30% of
the carpet that is visibly
dirty. Usually walkways and
traffic areas. These are the
areas that the customer is going
to judge our results on.
This 30% will determine if our
customer is happy and loyal to
us. We must spend 70% of our
time on these areas. Everything
else we give a good once over and
blend it in.
When you go into a home, get
clear on identifying the 30%.
I have even known some master techs
who would use there hydrosprayer to
"mark" or "outline" the
carpet as they are spraying to
remind them of the 30% they need
to really focus on.
Your customer is not going to
brag to their neighbor how well
you cleaned under the
couch..(They just want to know
you did clean under the couch).
They will brag about how
well you cleaned the entry into
their family room!!
Customers judge us on the 30%
that was obviously, undoubtedly,
visibly dirty!
Get great at nailing these
areas.. That is what you will be
judged on.
Care and Concern
Respected Partners
please never
lose sight of this....
The major advantage we have at
Boss Optima is that our
organization is a group of
business owners who have a stake
in our companies success.
Because of this we should have a
higher level of care and concern
for the customer, then what an
"employee" can give.
You must be conscientious of
this every day. Show your
customers you care (more then
they do) about the job you are
performing for them. Treat them
as a valuable person who we are
grateful for. Customers will
always feel this if it is
sincere and genuine. And they
will appreciate us on an
entirely new level.
Sometimes redo's are created not
because we did not follow
procedure or clean correctly.
But because the customer did not
feel they received your best
effort....In other words ,
they did not feel you cared
enough. So their mind creates
doubts and questions as to
whether they got what they paid
for. Remember: they don't
know the professional techniques
and strategies of professional
cleaning. Their trusting you to
know this. And to apply this
knowledge. This requires
trust on their part...
Ask yourself....how much would
you trust someone you felt didn't
show care and concern for you?
Showing care and concern are as
important as any cleaning
product or cleaning technique.
The reality is their are going
to be times where we can not
clean a spot or stain. At that
point the customers satisfaction
is based on the faith they have
that you did all you
could.....That faith is tied to
the care and concern you showed
for them.
This can not be faked
, either
you sincerely care....or you
And Permission
of the real secrets of our
industry (That most carpet
cleaners do not realize) is the
fact that a lot of
customers are extremely
reluctant to tell you what they
really think of you and your
workmanship.. (Especially if
they are not happy with their
service). The fact is ,
your work is a reflection of you
and most customers feel that if
they criticize your work, they
feel they are criticizing you
personally. This can make a
customer very uncomfortable.
(When you factor in that
customers on a certain level
views you as a "guest" in their
home , this can be even more
uncomfortable for them.)
They will simply be polite,
gracious and maybe make a
comment about something they are
not happy with. BUT THEY WILL
This creates a real challenge to
you because the customer is not
typically going to give you
accurate information about
they really think..
I can not tell you how many
times a redo could have been
avoided if the customer would
have simply had the courage to
tell the tech what they really
thought of the cleaning result.
Unfortunately this simply does
not occur..
TO DO IT....
Assessment permission
is a professional technique
which encourages the customer to
feel comfortable telling you
what they truly think of the
results you are achieving. This
is critical to our success.
If you view our business as a
business of "creating fanatical
customers" then you can see how
important it is that we get good
honest feedback while we are
performing the service..
So, how do we use this
technique? With 3 easy
1.) |
When doing your
walkthrough tell the
customer that you are
going to ask them to
please evaluate each
room or item when you
are finished with that
area/item. Tell
the customer that
everybody has a
different idea of what a
"great job" is.
And that you ALWAYS ASK
CLEAN to make sure their
happy before you
continue to the next
Encourage the customer
to give you a "stamp of
approval" as you finish
each area..
Be sincere and let the
customer feel how
important this is to
you. |
2.) |
As you finish each
area/item. Call the
customer over and use
tell them: "Ok can
you please take a look
at that room and make
sure everything is
to your satisfaction". |
3.) |
If the customer voices a
concern, be very careful
not to be defensive.
Instead, show concern
and care and try to
demonstrate that you
will touch up an area
with no resistance.
Customers love this .
And more importantly,
they will now feel
comfortable telling you
when something concerns
Giving the customer
permission to assess
your work is crucial to
eliminate redo's..
The best techs do this
There is also a nice
side effect of doing
this over and over...you
start to really
understand what pleases
customers because you
are getting so much
great accurate feedback
, job after job.
Always give the customer
permission to evaluate
your work..

I am
your customer and I have a
Every time you come into my home,
I am afraid to tell you what I
really think. I am afraid it
will insult you. I am afraid you
will "take it personally" , if I
tell you that I am not really
satisfied with something. So, I
tend to downplay issues that
concern me. I am much more
comfortable waiting for you to
leave and then just calling the
office and talking to them. The
only way you can ever truly
"wow" me or really impress me is
to first make me feel
comfortable telling you what
I really think. I would love to
do that , but you must first
reassure me that it wont be
awkward or uncomfortable.
Believe me it would be far more
convenient for both of us if I
could just tell you now, while
you are already in my home.
Here Is a great analogy of what
I feel when your talking to
me... How comfortable would you
be standing in front of a chef
(just you and him), while he is
asking you to taste his food.
How comfortable would it be for
you to tell him you don't like
the taste...Or even that you
hate it???
I don't want a redo any more
then you do. But you have to
help me with my fear by
encouraging me to give you
feedback often. The more
you ask....the more comfortable
I feel...
Now ask yourself....which chef
would you rather have cook for
The one who never asks how it
Or the one who is passionate
about making sure you love the

Resolution |
Resolution .
is huge..... Resolution is the act
of convincing the customer
(during the service)
of the
following 4 things.
O-You really care more then even
they do.
And you have blatantly
demonstrated this.
O-You are much more professional
and skilled then a regular tech.
You are elite.
Can you see why your
shirt untucked would
work against you in this
area? Or dirty
equipment? or sloppy
procedures?. I
can't tell you how many
redo's I have seen
created simply because
the customer felt "she
got a rookie tech"
because he didn't look
or act as professional
as the guy she was
expecting. And he
doesn't seem as
professional as what the
salesperson said he
would be.
You have to look and act
the part of a master
tech. If you give
an indication of being
not elite, this will
lead to what I call
"Perception Redo's".
The customer will simply
think "I think another
tech could do better
then this guy".
The best technicians
constantly reinforce the
idea that : " If I cant
do it nobody can."
And when that resonates
with a client , they
will have the peace of
mind, that whatever
result does get
achieved, its probably
the best that was
possible. And they
do not call for a redo.
The best
still fail
sometimes. But
the difference
they fail
amazingly. They
fail in a way
that still
impresses the
They show care,
concern, and a
dominant can do
attitude. The
client just
wants to know :
Your the best.
You care even
more then they
You used all
your bullets.
There is nothing
left to try.
O-You tried everything humanly
And she was right
there on the journey
with you to witness it.
if the customer is not
on the journey with you,
you leave room for
doubt. Again this
refers to you keeping
the customer involved
and witnessing when you
try different strategies
to clean an area. |
O-There is nothing left to try.
And the
customers believes you because
she views you as a Master Tech
who has shown more care and
concern then anybody she has
ever had in her house! And she
was on the journey with you.
Always make your customer a
witness as you are cleaning.
Call them over each time you
make a different attempt.
has been discussed . At
the end of the job we completely
discussed what we were not able
to remove and the customer has
peace of mind that all that
could be attempted was done. When you do all of these things
we get resolution. The
customer believes they had a
master tech in their home who
was more skilled then a typicall
tech....he did everything he
could....and their was nothing
left to try...
Why would you call for a redo?
Eliminating Redo's is as simple as
perfecting the above 5 elements.
Mike Ochoa